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The Ten Commandments of Public Speaking- Part 2

Why do we fear standing before a group of people to speak? Why will three out of every four people rather die than speak in public? Personal development coach, Jonathan identified some of the reasons and presents practical and useful tips to overcome glossophobia - the fear of public speaking .

Here are five practical tips you can start using today. The remaining five tips are here.

1. Your audience wish you well
No one who would come to listen to you and wish for your failure. Come to think of it, if they knew you would fail at delivering the relevant message, they would rather spend their time doing something else. The very fact that people leave all that they could be doing to come, sit and listen is enough to make you know that they recognize there is something positive about the message you bring and they are ready for it. Never think your audiences wish you failure. On the contrary, they want to see you succeed.

2. Everybody gets stage fright
I have been on radio for close to two years, spoken to many student groups and delivered speeches in my local church. Amazingly, despite doing all these for years now, I still feel that initial fright when I am called to the stage to begin my speech. It is natural with everyone. 

One of the people I least expected to make a similar assertion was the founder of the International Central Gospel Church. You may think that having being in ministry for thirsty years, Dr. Mensa Otabil has all the experiences in public speaking. But recently, he said he also feels that natural fright when he goes on stage. It is a natural feeling, you’re not alone and the most experienced speakers feel it, too. The key is to manage your stage fright by not allowing it to cost you what could have otherwise turned out into a phenomenal speaking experience. Be yourself, take deep breaths regularly, and you’re sure to have the best presentation.

3. Practise is key to performance
In our first part of the series, I drummed home the point on practice. If you fail to practise, you can’t deliver a good speech. Sometimes, I feel too tired to practise my materials before going on air. And guess what? I don’t perform as I expect. And the interesting twist to a lack of practice is that you feel unprepared. That feeling of unpreparedness is the cause of fear. If you really want to succeed in your speaking career, practice should be your watch word. Make it a goal never to stage a presentation until you have practiced well enough.

4. Not all topics are for you
We all have subjects that we relate well with.  A friend of mine is so thrilled by technology that he could lecture you all day without getting tired. Interestingly, technology isn’t something I am thrilled about. If you asked me to speak at a technology expo on a technologically related topic, I am sorry, I will turn your invite down. If I dare prove to be good at it, I might get the worst speaking experience of my life.

Unfortunately, many up and coming speakers have found themselves in this trap. For a desperation for speaking engagements, they accept every speaking invitation even for topics that may not come natural to them. Expectedly, they perform poorly. Don’t go with the grind because everyone is accepting every topic. Be yourself. Figure out the things that excite you and master those topics.

5. There is support available
If all the above don’t help, then it is a good time to get support from friends and organisations that are vested in public speaking training. Toastmasters is one of such organisations purposely founded to train people in public speaking. Also Corporate MC Kafui Dey has released a useful new book 'How to MC any event'.  Check these resources out and train yourself to become the best public speaker ever.

I hope to see you at the very top of your public speaking career.

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About the author
Jonathan is an agribusiness entrepreneur aside being a speaker, writer,and petroleum engineer. As a writer, he’s authored over a hundred articles on personal development, Africa, and social issues. He’s also the host of Nash Radio’s flagship motivational radio talk show, “Motivational Arena”, which airs every Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00 GMT. You can contact him via his email; jadzokpe@gmail.com or Facebook at www.facebook.com/jonathan.adzokpe

Newaccra Magazine is a positive lifestyle magazine for the young and driven, with Africa in their hearts. It is an ideal source for high quality content on lifestyle, personal development, sports, health and entertainment that inspires, develops and entertains ambitious people. Twitter @newaccra or Connect with us on Facebook or simply drop us a line - info@newaccra.com. 

photo; boxyourbrilliance.com


Great article, I like it as it makes it much easier for people with these tips.

Thank you David. Kindly follow us back on twitter @newaccra

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